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Happy 2016! New Years Resolutions


“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world…………..Buddha

 Asha Stucki-Subba

December is a Latin word and originally meant “tenth month.” December remained the tenth and final month of the Roman year until Nuna Pompilius, the second King of Rome who ruled around 700 BC, introduced two additional months into the year. These two months were Januarius and Februarius, later called January and February. They were inserted into the calendar prior to March, making December the twelfth month. However, its name and the names of the other months based on their position in the calendar stayed the same. Nuna Pompilius did change the length of December, however it had originally been 30 days long, and he shortened it to 29 days. Later, under the rule of Julius, December was lengthened to 31 days. However, it remained the twelfth month, regardless of its name’s meaning. The calendar used throughout the world today is the Gregorian calendar.

Instead of going forward in 2016, I would take a backward journey to 2015, in spite of many unfullfill promises there were some stolen moment which I would like to share with you all.

The month of december has many important social part of features; winter snow festival seasons end of the year and beginning of new hope for the new year. My daughter (Ayla) who is 9years old very curious asked me what is the fun behind keeping awake untill midnight on new year’s eve? “does the Santa Claus come down to hand over the new year? something like on the christmas eve? I wish I could see the Santa one day”. This christmas as well Ayla gave her best to keep herself awake until midnight to greet Santa Claus perrsonally, unfortunately even this year it didnot work out for her, she fall asleep before midnight. This new year eve I had spontaneous some visitors hence Ayla decided to celebrate new year midnight with us, untill 9 pm all went smooth she was exciting to specially she would like to wellcome 2016 with firecracker. After 9pm Ayla find something is wrong with the clock, why it take so long to ring 00:00. It was nothing wrong with the clock but Ayla was tired still she wanted to see what happen on the midnight, nevertheless 10:00 pm she decided to go to her bed.

I remember the resolution I made on the new year eve 2014 for 2015.”Some addtional time for my family and friends, addtional sports, more active in social work I have been visiting oldage home, children home and spending time with disabled people in our village, this year was surly short that I missed many occasion to share with them. Sort out my wardrobe, reading pending books and novel, more involvement in Aylay’s school. With the time these new years resolutions turned into traditions which accompained me since years, all of sudden on the last day of new year eve I realised it is in few hour one new beginn like always, hence I should offer my ritual to sit back for a while and to give a momentary glimpse of my routine new years resolution, truly it went allmost other way around, the work got more power than the social life, depicted bouncing ball at the tennis court. Rest stood back with the least value. Painful reality. Do you feel the same? how many of your resolutions came true? have you gave a thought how your new year looks like? or it is hardly matter. Eventually year starts without our influence and ends without our hold. Where is the matter? The life goes on!

Apart of busy schedule untill august, Ayla and I had beautiful summer holiday with my family in Kallimpong/Darjeeling, the whole 5 weeks to be with the family is not obvious,I enjoyed the time with my mother brother and his family, Ayla could learn her relatives and cousins more closer. Ayla could talk broken nepali mix with english with my mother and my mother could read Ayla in every sense! may be this called mother instinct. There was everday something special in the village good news of some new born and the bad news someones death, flood, landslides. Rice cultivation which Ayla could take part on the muddy field. Running around with village childrens street dog, neighbours cat who came every early morning to get some milk and cookies by my mother. Village farmhouse was the most exciting palce for Ayla to visit. It was great experience to help and work the orphanage and school in Kallimpong. The The whole 5 weeks holiday was pure rejuvenation. So many beautiful experiences in 5 weeks. After the holiday back to the daily life in Switzerland.

This year the summer was in the peak until september, I could enjoy hiking in the Swiss alp, apart of more and additional customer care at the work. Further training some crash course private as well as in profession. Some hours I could offer to help in the farmhouse in Wila. Ayla’s some new hobbies, learning latin words and playing mouthorgan. This year she illustrate the second fantasy tale. She loves to read books and writing. Allthough she find writing is the most boring thing.

Amazing it is now 2016, there are still pending promises of 2015. At least I should write now some new years greeting to freinds and family in the hope that I will be strict to my words and resulations for 2016.

My new years resulation for 2016 is to follow through with my new years resulations, including some that I will continue to be optimist, to reconnect with Nepali diaspora, I should make my identity more aware “for nepali by nepali” hope to complete my advance training (Fitness/Sport/Nutrition) might to start new advance training in field Yoga, more time for Ayla and some free time for me. Regular visit to disable people in “Gehörlosendorf in Turbenthal, I am fascinating to see the world of deaf and dumb. And less work.

Ayla’s new years resulation for 2016………..ah! what is this? I don’t know. In this context I could simply say to Buddha thanks for his words.” We are what we think. All that we are arise with our thought. With our thoughts we make the world”.

And yours?

I wish all the readers, friends and dear ones and the team of Nepalswiss.com Happy and Prosperous 2016.


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