२५ वैशाख २०८१

कविता: “आई मिस यु”


स्विटजरल्याण्ड । आईना बार्का नेपालमा बौध्दिक अपाङगता भएका बालबालिकाहरुको हितका लागि निस्वार्थ संघर्षरत एक ब्यक्त्तित्व हुन । उनिहरुका लागि हेटौंडामा एक बिशेष पाठशाला एवं पुनर्स्थापना केन्द्र स्थापना र संचालन गरेकि बार्का सामाजिक सञ्जालहरुमा ति बालबालिकाहरु की अनुहार बनेकि छिन् । युरोपको विकसित देश स्पेनमा जन्मि-हुर्कि शिक्षा आर्जन गरेकि बार्का “आशा विशेष पाठशाला तथा पुनस्थापना केन्द्र” का बालबालिकाहरुका लागि सन २०१२ देखि नेपालमा नै बसि निरन्तर कार्यरत छिन् ।

आईना बार्काको सहित्यमा गहिरो रुचि छ । “आई मिस यु (English: I miss you, Catalan: T‘enyoro) उनको कातालान भाषामा प्रकाशित एक कविताको अंग्रेजी अनुवाद हो । सन २००८ मा बार्सिलोनामा आयोजित एक कविता प्रतियोगितामा उनले उक्त्त कविता पाठ गरी विजयी भएकि थिईन । नेपाल जानु अधि उनले स्पेनको कातालान क्षेत्रमा आयोजना भएका साहित्यिक प्रतियोगितामा नियमित भागलिने गर्थिन । यसै क्रममा, उनले सन २००५-२०१२ को समयाबधिमा विविध साहित्यिक पुरस्कारहरु हासिल गरेकि थिईन ।

I miss you

– Aina Barca, Nepal/Spain

It’s Christmas and I miss you,

between the darkness that wears my every step

and makes your loss dense.

I gaze at the clouds, and they are brighter, cleaner

and more beautiful than ever.

I think you might be looking me from wherever you are,

so you revive inside me, and it makes me survive.

everyday more intensely, because every day I need it more.

I remember your shiny eyes and your smile.

I sink in the sea of my tears, and I ask myself constantly:

why today the rose does not recline in my soul?

and I know that you are not here and you will not be back any more,

but I want to believe that you are waiting for me.

and I want to say that I will sail to find you.

I write it, because I do not want you remain in the silence,

and when I reread it, you undertake the life again.

a secret life that only I can contemplate.

and it helps me to remain in balance,

on the border line between the light and the darkness.

I want to evoke on that paper so many years lived

and to remember inside my desert, our sprints.

So often I recount the shortage you have left,

since you decided not to face the life anymore

and said you can’t any more, and gave up.

(Contest of literary creation “Puig Marí” 2008 in Maçanet de la Selva, Catalonia, Spain. Translation: A. Barca)

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